Change log
The major changes between k-Plan releases are outlined below.
- 2D image views can be aligned with the transducer coordinate system
- Images can captured and added to the report
- Peak values in report are split by region (background, head, skull)
- Other enhancements and bug fixes
- Plan images and simulation results can be exported to co-registered NIFTI images in k-Plan coordinates
- The transducer can be automatically positioned normal to the skull using the transducer wizard
- A colour bar can be added to the 2D image views
- The focal distance and focal ellipsoid size are automatically set based on transducer position
- The simulation domain size and cursor position can be directly entered
- Other enhancements and bug fixes
- Treatment plan parameters (control parameters) can be exported for external hardware devices
- Transducer positions can be imported from Localite
files - Sonication element parameters (amplitude and phase) can be edited or imported
- Other enhancements and bug fixes
- Focal position can be visualised during planning for annular arrays
- Image visibility settings are persisted
- Support for importing Brainsight Version 13 files
- Other small enhancements and bug fixes
- Transducer position transforms can be exported
- Other small enhancements and bug fixes
- Transducer position transforms can be imported from a Brainsight export file
- Treatment plans can be duplicated using the
button in the plan developer dialog - Bug fix in the drag-and-drop reordering of plan images in the
tab - Other small enhancements and bug fixes
Last update:
March 8, 2025