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System requirements

Component Requirements
Operating system Windows 10/11
RAM 4 GB (minimum)
Graphics Graphics support for OpenGL (minimum)
Dedicated graphics card with at least 2 GB of graphics memory (recommended)
Display 1280 x 1024 (minimum)
1920 x 1200 (recommended)
The use of ultra-high resolution displays (e.g., QHD, UHD, or retina displays) is not recommended
Hard drive 2 GB free space (minimum)
50 GB free space (recommended, for storage of plans)
Network A reliable internet connection is required to run k-Plan. The internet connection must allow connection to the k-Plan cloud server via HTTPS. A high-speed connection is recommended.


The latest version of k-Plan can be downloaded from by selecting Download k-Plan from the menu on the left hand side of the page. Note, this website requires you to login using your k-Plan credentials. Depending on your security settings and web browser, you may see a warning that the installer isn't commonly downloaded. In this case, select to keep the downloaded file.

To install k-Plan, double click on the downloaded installer. Depending on your security settings, you may first see warnings about installing an unrecognised app, or an app from an unknown publisher. In this case, select Run anyway and / or yes. The installer will then be displayed which will guide you through the installation process. After installation is complete, a k-Plan icon will be added to the Windows start menu. A desktop icon can also be optionally created.

To uninstall k-Plan, select Add or remove programs from the Window search bar. Select k-Plan from the list of apps, and select uninstall. You can optionally remove all k-Plan user data stored on your computer, or just the k-Plan software. If you don't remove the k-Plan user data, this data will be restored if k-Plan is reinstalled.


Each time you start k-Plan, you will be prompted to enter your login details. These are validated using k-Dispatch, k-Plan's cloud computing server. You must be connected to the internet to start k-Plan, submit plans for evaluation, query the status of running plans, and to download results.

License key

When you start k-Plan for the first time, you will also be prompted to enter your license key. Each license key is locked to the computer hardware on which it is first used. To install k-Plan on multiple computers, you will need to use multiple license keys. If you uninstall and reinstall, or update k-Plan on the same computer, you can continue to use the same license key.

When you start k-Plan for the first time, there may be a short delay before the login screen appears while k-Plan executes some setup actions in the background.

Installing updates

You can install new versions of k-Plan by running the appropriate installer. This will update the version of k-Plan, but not modify the user data. You do not need to uninstall the old version first.

When you start k-Plan, if a new version is available, you will see a notification. If your current version is no longer supported (e.g., due to an essential bug or security fix), you will not be able to start k-Plan until the latest version is installed.

Last update: November 14, 2023