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Transducer library

Transducer definitions

Select the transducer model name below to download the transducer definition.

Manufacturer Model Type Elements Frequency ROC* AD* FDO* FD*
k-Plan BOWL-R64-D64-E1 Single Element 1 200-600 kHz 64 mm 64 mm - -
k-Plan DISC-D38-E1 Single Element 1 200-600 kHz - 38 mm - -
k-Plan ANNULAR-R64-D64-E8 Annular Array 8 200-600 kHz 64 mm 64 mm 8.57 mm -3 dB
k-Plan MULTI-R150-D150-E128 Multi-Element 128 200-600 kHz 150 mm 150 mm - -
NeuroFUS CTX-250-2 Annular-Array 2 200-300 kHz 63.2 mm 64 mm 6.33 mm -3 dB
NeuroFUS CTX-250-4 Annular-Array 4 200-300 kHz 63.2 mm 64 mm 10.82 mm -3 dB
NeuroFUS CTX-500-2 Annular-Array 2 400-600 kHz 63.2 mm 64 mm 6.33 mm -3 dB
NeuroFUS CTX-500-4 Annular-Array 4 400-600 kHz 63.2 mm 64 mm 10.82 mm -3 dB

*ROC: radius of curvature, AD: aperture diameter, FDO: focal distance offset, FD: focal distance defined using the centre of the -3 dB focal volume (-3 dB) or the spatial peak pressure (pmax).

A diagram showing the transducer nomenclature for an annular array is shown below. For annular array and multi-element transducers, the radius of curvature (ROC) and aperture diameter (AD) refer to the overall aperture of the array.

For annular array transducers, the focal distance offset (FDO) defines a reference distance on the beam axis of the transducer from which the focal distance measurements are defined (see diagram below). This is typically the exit plane of the transducer. Exact values for each transducer definition are given in the table above. The focal distance is then defined as the distance from the focal distance offset to the focus, where the position of the focus is defined using either (i) the centre of the -3 dB focal volume, or (ii) the position of the spatial peak pressure.

Note, for single element and annular array transducers, the origin of the transducer coordinate system is typically defined at the centre of the radiating surface of the transducer as shown in the diagram below (not the transducer exit plane). Transducer position transforms are defined relative to this point.

Transducer nomenclature

Adding a transducer definition to k-Plan

To add a transducer definition to k-Plan, first navigate to the plan browser dialog (see the quick start guide). Select Add New to add a new plan, select Browse to open the transducer browser dialog, then click on Add New and select the downloaded .ktx file. Transducer definitions can also be deleted from the transducer browser dialog.

Last update: April 24, 2023